1. 子供たちを爆撃するのをやめろ。
GAZA UPDATE: At least 4,650 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli forces in Gaza, and 1,755 more children are reported missing. Most are presumed dead under the rubble of destroyed buildings. pic.twitter.com/dNTCEOPpeT
— Defense for Children (@DCIPalestine) November 14, 2023
2. ジャーナリストを殺すな。
Israel has controlled the Palestinian population registry since 1967. They know exactly who lives where in Gaza.
— Tariq Kenney-Shawa (@tksshawa) November 2, 2023
Israeli forces are deliberately targeting the homes of journalists because they know exactly where they live and they are determined to silence them. https://t.co/3acXrgKEtp
3. 病院を爆撃するな。
Israel systematically bombed hospitals. https://t.co/2jOW5yHc5B pic.twitter.com/o5RscDLDrd
— Read Let This Radicalize You (@JoshuaPHilll) November 11, 2023
4. 病院の窓ごしに患者を撃つな。
Israel systematically bombed hospitals. https://t.co/2jOW5yHc5B pic.twitter.com/o5RscDLDrd
— Read Let This Radicalize You (@JoshuaPHilll) November 11, 2023
5. ブルドーザーで亡骸を轢くな。
Israeli media has released footage showing an Israeli military bulldozer running over a Palestinian civilian in #Gaza. pic.twitter.com/CQ3KDRvUNc
— PALESTINE ONLINE 🇵🇸 (@OnlinePalEng) November 11, 2023
6. 救急車を爆撃するな。
UN chief "horrified" by attack on an ambulance convoy outside Al Shifa hospital in Gaza.
— UN News (@UN_News_Centre) November 4, 2023
"The images of bodies strewn on the street outside the hospital are harrowing" – António Guterreshttps://t.co/gLIOzY4qaE
7. 民族浄化をするな。
Did Israeli Minister Dichter just confess to the 1948 Nakba, that Israel ALWAYS denied, so as to advocate a Nakba 2.0? Does the West & the International Criminal Court need more evidence that Israeli officials PROUDLY announce the INTENTION to commit the ultimate WAR CRIME? https://t.co/Cptt3Aj97Y
— Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) November 11, 2023
8. 人獣と呼ぶな。
Israeli defense minister: “No food, No electricity, No fuel, No water. We’re fighting human animals.”
— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) October 9, 2023
He’s talking about ordinary, innocent, civilians including KIDS living in Gaza.
He has NO RESPECT for Human Rights!
Despicable scum! 🇮🇱
9. 人々を飢えさせるな。
BREAKING: UN agency says Gaza civilians face an 'immediate possibility of starvation'
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) November 16, 2023
10. 水道を止めるな。
97% of Gaza's water was unsafe to drink even before the most recent Israeli military assault, which has devastated water infrastructure. Now, a dire situation has become catastrophic.
— Visualizing Palestine (@visualizingpal) November 16, 2023
Water is life. The denial & destruction of it is genocide.
Visual in partnership with @10Tooba pic.twitter.com/sWbG7Ht6zW
11. 病院の電気を止めて、ICUやNICUの患者を殺すな。
"Patients in the ICU units and babies in incubators are now surviving without electricity and without oxygen, waiting for their fate."
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) November 17, 2023
Al Jazeera’s @YoumnaElSayed17 on Gaza's al-Shifa Hospital.
🔴 LIVE updates: https://t.co/jpvv3vVyoG pic.twitter.com/X3Hnr8cR0R
12. 医師たちを爆撃するな。
🇵🇸🇮🇱 A Palestinian doctor’s final interview before being killed.
— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) November 13, 2023
“If I go, who treats my patients?”
An Israeli airstrike struck Hammam Alloh’s home on 12 November, killing him and his father. pic.twitter.com/EHVHBsA3RE
13. 国連職員を爆撃するな。
Yesterday, an @UNRWA guesthouse in Rafah, south of 📍#GazaStrip received 3 direct hits from Israeli Forces’ naval bombardment - one of 60 @UN facilities damaged in the last month.
— UNRWA (@UNRWA) November 13, 2023
This recent attack is yet another indication that nowhere in #Gaza is safe.https://t.co/QQucZnf7Ls pic.twitter.com/K2Xh9ImPRm
14. アパルトヘイトをするな。
The claim that Israel is not an apartheid state is not a position anyone needs to take seriously. It's crazy how Israel apologists have convinced the public to believe this is still a question up for debate when all relevant mainstream institutions regard it as a settled matter. pic.twitter.com/cbPOa7CEIh
— Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) November 16, 2023
15. 絶えずウソをつくのを止めろ。
Just this week, official Israeli government accounts have tweeted, then deleted, the following:
— Wyatt Reed (@wyattreed13) November 13, 2023
- Video of a fake nurse claiming that Hamas took over the Al-Shifa hospital
- False claim that “AP, CNN, NY Times, and Reuters had journalists embedded with Hamas terrorists on… https://t.co/jMVlzaE2rj
画像はAdobe Stockから
Stephen Gardner
Col. Macgregor: Ukraine is COLLAPSING! 35:59
「『NYタイムズ』は、ウクライナ紛争の両軍死傷者累計を50万人と発表! 特にウクライナの犠牲は大きく、日本は停戦を働きかけるべき!」
【本日のニュースの連撃! 2連弾!】
【第1弾! G20ヴァーチャルサミットで、ロシアのプーチン大統領が発言!「ガスパイプライン『ノルドストリーム』の爆破は、一部の国が競争相手を排除するために行った国家テロ」】「ロシアはウクライナとの和平交渉を拒否したことはない。交渉プロセスから撤退したのはウクライナ」「西側のマクロ経済政策による、経済や銀行システムへのドルやユーロの大量注入が、インフレと食料価格を押し上げている」と指摘も!!(『ロシア大統領府』、2023年11月22日)
【第2弾! イスラエル・メディアが、記事から「イスラエル軍が自国民を殺害した」という部分を次々に削除!】自国民殺害の事実を「ハマスとイランによる陰謀論」と主張し、「陰謀論」を唱えるイスラエル人は、警察が取り締まるとの情報も!(『ザ・クレイドル』、2023年11月21日)
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