"This is the new Axis of Evil" Nikki Haley says of China and Russia "with Iran being the junior partner."
That's absolutely right. If you look around the world, every authoritarian regime is supported by either or all of the three rogue tyrants in Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran. https://t.co/JP4GbnZpHs
— Daniel Di Martino 🇺🇸🇻🇪 (@DanielDiMartino) March 21, 2023
The axis of authoritarianism linking Russia, China, and Iran also runs through Florida where Trump and DeSantis compete to see who can better toe the pro-Putin, anti-Ukraine line set by Tucker Carlson. The enemies of democratic freedom announce themselves. . . https://t.co/folIj3Ls8n
After the collapse of the USSR, a democratic Russia had the chance to be a major, respected European power. Putin however has pushed Russia a different way, turning Russia (yet again) into a vassal of an Asian autocratic power. Such a wasted opportunity. Oh well.
Lumping everything together as “Iraq War” critics do is a disservice to the careful analysis of what America accomplished, or didn’t. It is not one indivisible, 20-year-long block of granite that can be judged only all or nothing. In fact, the brunt of https://t.co/2lhQ3EnqWW…
It takes a special kind of hubris and a serious shortage of respect for the lives of other human beings to sit here, in the year 2023, and argue that the real problem with America's post-9/11 wars is that *they didn't go far enough.*
“We Know Where Your Kids Live” John Bolton threatened head of chemical weapons commission as part of effort launch war against Iraq https://t.co/p8uluxbWGH
"The Iraq War was a national undertaking. Its broad domestic support owed in large measure to its advancement of the vital interests of state, as those were understood in relation to America’s stake in a decent and durable global order." https://t.co/6e08quvk7L
Returning to Australia is a shock. The elite salivates for a deeply racist war against China. Australia has no enemies but is led and influenced by little Americans and echoes of spooks who fill the papers with a deranged, almost satirical hysteria. Sad.https://t.co/s723vk8Zv8
How sweet it is! Paul Keating eviscerates a string of journalists for their shoddy biased reporting on China & #AUKUS He takes them to task for not knowing facts, for exaggeration, &for one for the most egregious journalism in 50 years. Starts around 37:50https://t.co/7DSO8K9esXpic.twitter.com/cDr56SJlRu
The war in Ukraine has little to do with Ukrainian freedom and a lot to do with degrading the Russian military and weakening Vladimir Putin’s grip on power.
#Crikey sets its sights on “human rights abuse” of China’s LGBTQI+ community relying on a single source for its investigation – the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. Crikey!#auspol#rainbowalerthttps://t.co/3gWeYqBAnx
Front page of the Sunday Age accidentally does the meme. According to war secretary Marles, Australia is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to protect our trade with China... from China. pic.twitter.com/d2t4n3VHv0
Can someone please explain to me why @washingtonpost needs to give regular opinion columns to John Bolton, Max Boot, Jennifer Rubin AND Josh Rogin, when all four of them have the exact same warmongering neoconservative ideology and all the exact same opinions? pic.twitter.com/7IrGdZcgj3
この動態はオーストラリア・シンクタンクCentre for Independent Studiesでのアメリカ人政治学者ジョン・ミアシャイマーによる2019年講演でグロテスクな姿の全貌が示された。いつもの不快なほど率直な態度で、中国の台頭を止め、この地域で支配的大国になるのを阻止するためアメリカはできる限りのことをするつもりで、オーストラリアはその戦いでアメリカと連携すべきで、さもないとワシントンの怒りに直面するとミアシャイマーは聴衆に語ったのだ。
In 2019 John Mearsheimer laid out an argument that perfectly explains why Australia is preparing to go to war with China, its primary trading partner, against its own security and economic interests: Australia is more afraid of the US than it is of China.pic.twitter.com/qPYbuS418Z
The Drums Of War With China Are Beating Much Louder Now
Comments from Washington and Beijing have suddenly become much more pointed and aggressive in recent days, with talk about hot war being often discussed as not just a possibility but a probability.https://t.co/IUTupQ6yyi
Breaking News: The Pentagon is blocking the U.S. from sharing evidence on Russian atrocities in Ukraine with the International Criminal Court, officials said. Military leaders fear setting a precedent that might pave the way for it to prosecute Americans. https://t.co/xnHCjkkZnK
Invade Mexico to stop Americans from doing drugs. We know this is a good and sensible idea because we've done bad things in the past. https://t.co/d6N396OiD6
Moon of Alabamaのウェブサイトでブログを書いているドイツ人は当初からパイプライン攻撃をしっかり追っていた。彼はこれら突然の匿名メディア記事を、ハーシュが既に提供された攻撃の非常に詳細な説明を覆い隠し、ピューリッツァー賞受賞者が発表を計画している可能性のある続き記事のいくつかから注意をそらすことを目的としたジャーナリズム上の目くらましだと正しく説明した。
New intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines.https://t.co/P3Isk4SPeJ
Mick Ryan is a fellow at @CSIS, a think tank funded by the military-industrial complex, arguing that Australia should funnel more money into the military-industrial complex via Ukraine. The Age neglects to inform us that this is effectively an advertorial for Northrop Grumman. https://t.co/hAL1Vz7iUU
四人目の「専門家」はオーストラリアの国防内部者レズリー・ゼーベック、ASPIの常連寄稿者だ。ゼーベックは「First Nations Drone Network Project Initiatio」「ソロモン諸島-土着の見方をする頃合い」「Building Australia’s Strategic Resilience: A Spotlight on Military and Gender in the Pacific Region」や“Key to Australia’s Strategic Resilience」などの題名の帝国主義論文を出版する資金不明なNational Institute of Strategic Resilienceという戦争挑発シンクタンク会長だ。最後の二つはゼーベック自身の著作だ。
Nine Entertainment’s @SMH editorial effectively places Australia’s sons and daughters in our military in harm’s way by its front page declaration of imminent war with China. This is poor journalism. It is war mongering for commercial gain (ad $s from arms traders). pic.twitter.com/L6baGNgcN1
Murdoch Propaganda Pushes Australia To Double Its Military Budget For War With China
"In its promotional clip for the special, Sky News Australia tinged all footage pertaining to China in red to show how dangerous and communist they are."https://t.co/eNI2Cv6Teq
Murdoch Propaganda Pushes Australia To Double Its Military Budget For War With China
"In its promotional clip for the special, Sky News Australia tinged all footage pertaining to China in red to show how dangerous and communist they are."https://t.co/eNI2Cv6Teq
Murdoch Propaganda Pushes Australia To Double Its Military Budget For War With China
"In its promotional clip for the special, Sky News Australia tinged all footage pertaining to China in red to show how dangerous and communist they are."https://t.co/eNI2Cv6Teq
Nord-Stream-Ermittlungen: Spuren führen in die Ukraine Ermittler haben das Boot identifiziert, von dem aus die Anschläge auf Nord Stream ausgeführt wurden.Offenbar wurde es von einer Firma gemietet, die Ukrainern gehört.
I wrote this letter recently to my friends in the antiwar and anti-nuclear movements. I see it’s being circulated, so I’ve decided to share it here. For all of you working on these issues, thank you, and please keep going! pic.twitter.com/8BIerLHD2U
Stephen Cohen Has Died. Remember His Urgent Warnings Against The New Cold War.
"Cohen has for years been correctly predicting this chilling scenario which now threatens the life of every organism on earth, even while his own life was nearing its end."https://t.co/cNtf8AvNl4
European antiwar protests gain strength as NATO’s Ukraine proxy war escalates@stavroulapabst and @MaxBlumenthal cover the surge of antiwar activity across the continent over the past year, from Athens to Prague to London to Berlin to Paris and beyondhttps://t.co/At63ggS8M4
Trump's term has revealed that virtually everyone, all across the political spectrum, has been wrong about him. And it's a testament to the power of echo chambers that they remain just as wrong as they were four years ago.https://t.co/k35gZ1n8cd
Pelosi: "The Bush family it's because of their humanity, their faith, their generosity of spirit, their compassion. Once again, it's an honor to be associated with President George W. Bush in this." pic.twitter.com/NrIqLxc8Ck
Today, I am introducing my Defense Climate Resiliency and Readiness Act to harden the U.S. military against the threat posed by climate change, and to leverage its huge energy footprint as part of our climate solution. https://t.co/fYixnw11bz